Thursday, April 30, 2015

Indonesia Drug Execution - Brazilian didn't know he was about to be executed till the end

Rodrigo Gularte, the Brazilian who was among the 8 men who were executed for drug related crimes in Indonesia was unaware of his execution till the very end.
This is according to his priest, Father Charlie Burrows who said that Gularte was hearing voices and did not understand that he was to be shot by firing squad until the end.
BBC reports that Gularte had been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
Father Burrows said he had tried to prepare Gularte for his execution but that the Brazilian had not realised what was happening to him until his final moments.
Speaking with BBC Radio 4's PM programme, Father Burrows said "With him, these voices were very real, he said 'No, I'm not going to be exec
uted, I'm going to Brazil in a year's time."
He said further:
"I thought he knew what was happening, but when they took him from the cells and the wardens handed him over to police, he turned to me and said 'Father, am I going to be executed?'"
According to a Brazilian diplomat who met with him before his execution, one of Gularte's last requests was that he be buried in Brazil so that "if he was resuscitated" he would be close to his family. He added that this was further evidence of Gularte's poor mental health.
A cousin who visited him regularly in prison said that Gularte was delusional, adding that his favourite topics were "his past lives in Egypt and other surreal stories that never happened".
She also said that he claimed that the water and food at the prison were contaminated and was constantly seen talking to walls and ghosts.
42-year old Gularte was arrested in 2004 for trying to smuggle cocaine into Indonesia hidden in surfing gear.

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