Monday, May 4, 2015

Boy With 1 In 50 Million Disorder Dies Aged 4

Boy With 1 In 50 Million Disorder Dies Aged 4
Four-year-old boy has died from a genetic disorder so rare fewer than 130 cases have been identified worldwide, Alnwick, Northumberland, England, Aidan Jackowiak Smith suffered from Cloves Syndrome which affects one in 50 million people and has no known cure.
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 Boy With 1 In 50 Million Disorder Dies Aged 4

 He was born with growths covering large areas of his body and suffered from brain damage and epileptic fits. The little boy suffered from a severe form of the disease but his parents Karl Smith, 41 and Vikki Jackowiak, 37, were told there was no reason why he should have a low life expectancy.

Boy With 1 In 50 Million Disorder Dies Aged 4

As a baby, he had to undergo major surgery to remove a mass of fatty tissue in his face and neck which made it hard for him to breathe and swallow. Aidan was due to start a a pioneering drugs trial in July that it was hoped could make further surgery unnecessary. His family together with developed had their home specially adapted for the boy.
Boy With 1 In 50 Million Disorder Dies Aged 4

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